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This month Venus, 1.5 million miles from Earth
rises at sunset—lingers just above the horizon
flirting with us like infatuation
where we shop, work, carry on our coupling
It may trick us glimmering in haze and reflections
glancing off dust our lives raise on the planet
be mistaken for a plane, lining up for touch down
flashing mixed messages in the nearly-night sky
Venus, hovering beyond comprehension—
love planet visible just a few half-bright hours
summons a half-draped, armless, marble nude
turned slightly toward a barely audible call—
low in the sky
gone by the time night floods rising space
with gleams that signal distance
Venus, barely marking the March sky
your habits, your appearance, your allure elude me,
anchored to a site close by, small planet
set low in my body
a landscape not quite 1.5 million miles from my center
whose rising has shifted to a shadow
hovers in the lives of my daughters
an all but forgotten presence
eclipsed by distance covered
marks the border of my next season
in tides of energy and moon spells