garden of my splendid fantasy,
saturated with elegance, enchantment,
and intellectual mystery;
a gently purling stream is moving my Jon boat forward
through exotic realms of gilded history.
Massive Doric columns stand proudly on either side,
while my boat glides along so smoothly,
flowing in the Elysium tide.
Trails meander from gray sand and water side,
through roses,
and azalea,
pausing as the weeping willow surrounding me cries,
when the air is saturated by lavender wisteria.
Grand statues of Hellenist Gods and secessionist philosophers
guard each movement of my way,
generating such intrinsic pride filled moments,
while forever pausing in amazing grace!
Sky of rouge reigns high above,
rose rays of a glorious sun reach outward,
enveloping me as if filled with such passion and love,
as I am motivated gently onward.
No thunder rolls in this crystal vision of mine,
all battles have been solidly conquered,
while the water tinkles a majestic pantomime,
in a cheer filled rhythm ne’er heard before.
The illustrious celestial Madonna whispers my name,
gingerly drawing me ever nearer,
when I finally pause before her
I shall not remain the same,
my solid destiny has never been clearer!
I perceive her whispers emanating from beyond in the sky,
seemingly they float upon the air!
There exists no reasons to ever ask why,
inside this infinite land without despair.
On either side massive temples house deeply seated intellectuals,
gifted thinkers peering beyond the realm of mortals.
Here there is no commanded prenuptial,
as one pauses inside those magnanimous marble portals.
The past bears revelations of the dawning future,
along with manifestations of the present.
An angelic oracle informs us in regard to blessings
humanity may aspire to,
since in this oasis all is heaven sent.
When at nighttime finally I lay down to close my eyes,
after consuming a holy ambrosia liquid,
backwards into this sacred vision I always fly,
where mankind’s degenerate modernity never lives.